Grandparents to the Rescue

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.

“You’ve reached the voice machine system of the Taggart family, please leave a message after the tone.”


Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.

“You’ve reached the voice machine system of the Taggart family, please leave a message after the tone.”


Ring, ring, ring… “hello” my groggy voice, barely audible, responded.

“Time to wake up!” said the cheery voice on the other end.


“What time did you go to bed?”

The conversation always started the same way.

“I don’t know!” I grumbled in reply.

“Well it’s time to get those feet on the ground.”

“uh, huh.”

“Are they on the ground?”



(No answer)

“Shannon, are you there?”

(Still, no answer)

“Shannon, Don’t you dare fall back to sleep. Shannon!”

(Deep breaths)

In frustration, Nanny hangs up the phone.

Ring, ring, “You’ve reached…” Click!

Ring, ring, “You’ve reached…” Click!

Ring, ring, “You’ve reached…” Click!

Thirty minutes later, her fingers ache from dialling. Redial was never understood by this 80 year old lady. Finally, I wake up in a panic.

Ring, Ring. “Nanny, I am sorry! I fell back to sleep!” I quickly apologized.

“I have called and called for the past 30 minutes, what happened?” she stated with concern in her voice.

“I know, I know, I fell back to sleep with the phone off the hook, I am sorry.” I responded, suddenly wide awake.

“Well, I don’t think you are making your bus.” Nanny nervously shared.

“I know! I better go and figure it out what I will do.”

“I love you the most I said it first.” She said, our sign off since before I remember.

“You got me, I love you too!”


Ring, ring, “Hello!” said the man on the other end.

“I am sorry to call so early, but I missed my bus, again.” I shared with embarrassment.

“I’ll be over in 15 minutes, Shanny.”

The only person in the world that called me Shanny and got away with it, was my Grandpa.

Fifteen minutes later the key turned the lock in the door, and we hopped into the car together and headed to school.

These occurrences were far too frequent in my high school days.

Never a question, a complaint or criticism, Grandpa came. He drove me to school regardless of the number of buses I had missed. He never turned me down.

Never a question, a complaint or a criticism, Nanny called. Every morning at 6:50 sharp, regardless of the times I fell asleep mid-conversation, she never gave up.

Grandparents, they are truly the best!215656_548878432953_2695024_n 1390547_643203464833_756287459_n

7 thoughts on “Grandparents to the Rescue

  1. awe and what great memories you will cherish. Grandparents are the best. I heart those gone and course those around.

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