The Gift of a Friend

Remember how hard it was to be a teenager? Those high school days were the worst. You were always trying to fit in and say the right thing at the right time. You were never sure what to wear or how to do your hair. Your body changed overnight. It was a very confusing part of life.

In the second half of Grade 11, the world’s best gift arrived at my school, Marla. Marla is the kind of person who brings out the best in everyone she meets. She finds fun hiding in every corner. She is wickedly smart and is eager to understand everything there is to know. From the day I met Marla, my life was brighter.

It is funny to think back to all of the people in my life who have said, ” I think I changed you the most!” Boyfriends, family members, friends, it has happened so many times that I have lost count. Is that something people say to others often or was it just me?

I could never agree with them. Truly, I hated when someone said that. It took me years to realize why. They didn’t change me! Perhaps they inspired me to uncover a new part of me. But change me? No!

Even if they said, “I think I helped you become comfortable and confident in yourself more than anyone else!” They still would have been wrong. That title belongs to Marla.

Marla and I went on endless adventures together. We snuck a sandwich maker into the school to make grilled cheese sandwiches and distracted the custodian when he smelled “smoke”. We stealthily attempted to take naps in the library without the librarian noticing. We went to cottages and made up the most ridiculous games. We would drive around town singing at the top of our lungs and dancing wildly to the worst hits of the 2000s. We even shared a locker even though our school was only at half capacity and there were plenty of lockers to go around. It was far more fun to be together than to be apart.

When Marla was around, you didn’t care about what others were thinking about you, you were just caught up in the joy of being yourself. Your true self!

Twenty-six years later, we are still in each other’s lives. Just recently, Marla came to visit me. We had a week of reminiscing and creating new memories to cherish. The best part of her visit was that my daughter had the gift of Marla added to her life too.

Marlowe’s Writing for Today:

She discovered that you could actually use the chocolate Pocky snack to write with. This is her poem in adoration of the delicios Pocky treat!

“Hello” <–Written with Pocky

Oh Pocky, so beautiful you can hang it on a wall. So tasty, you can’t share. So smart, you can write with it.

My Morning Captor

Mechanical birds chirping




light slowly brightening





darkness and silence





Pitter Patter

Pitter Patter



a tiny intruder

a dream stealer

with icicles for toes

gripped tightly

held hostage


No one can escape

the snuggles of my captor

Letting Go

Exhale your expectations

Inhale self-compassion

Let it go

You can’t achieve it all

Generations of patterns







Balance, well being and compassion

Exhale expectations

Inhale self-compassion

The past few years I stopped participating in the Slice of Life Challenge in March because I put too much pressure on myself. I couldn’t possibly miss a day. I’ve missed it so much! This year, I decided to rejoin and give myself permission to do my best.

As predicted, life got in the way on Day 2. My nearly 7 year old writing sidekick was disappointed too and I met her with the same compassion I gave myself. We are doing our best and we should always prioritise taking care of ourselves. Let’s go to bed and try again tomorrow! Modelling self-care is what our children need to see.

Oh how hard it is to come up with an idea It is too frustrating I can’t think Hey I just thought of something!

Marlowe’s poem about writers block!

Slice of Life 2023

Here I am

5 foot 5

(and a half)

If I’m stretching





3 foot 3

If I’m sitting



At heart

With responsibilities




My pen

Always just





I am


Once again




In the crevices of the couch

Hello memories!

In the lint trap of the dryer

Hello rhythm!

In the trunk of the car

Hello adventures!

In the underwear drawer

Hello humour!


It’s all returning

Here I am

A writer

A slicer of life!

My daughter sliced with me a few years back and really wanted to join me again this year. I hope that you enjoy her comedic entries.

Here We Are

After Marlowe’s comedic introduction yesterday, she owed you a real introduction. I like to use our writing time together to help me get my ideas flowing and to model different parts of writing alongside her.

We started by drawing a picture of ourselves. Then we wrote down words that describe ourselves. Take a look…

Marlowe’s reads: Loves Mommy and Daddy, 4, Okotoks (where we live), Trouble (the game), Broccoli, 4. Can you read mine?

If ever you travel

to the small town of Okotoks, Alberta

tucked away in the vast prairies

in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains


you might encounter

a mother and daughter pair

with matching hair

always getting fresh air

you will know you have found this duo

when you see a 4 year old girl

dancing around in her underwear!

*It has been a while since I have stretched my writing brain and it is stuck. I am so glad I am here stretching it with all of you this month. *

The Slice of Life Writing Challenge 2021!

I have been participating in the Slice of Life Challenge for many years but once my daughter was born, I found it really hard to make time to write and spend quality time with her after school too. I had a revelation that we could write together during the month of March and it was the best idea! It was a special time we shared together each day. I found that her confidence as a writer changed drastically and her love for writing has continued to grow each day since.

For those of you who haven’t met us before, here we are…

When I asked Marlowe if she wanted to introduce herself, this is what she wrote…

My name is Marlowe! I live on Mars! I’m an astronaut! I have a pet alien! Ha ha! Just joking! I will tell you tomorrow!

If you followed us last year, you will notice that her sense of humor hasn’t changed much, but her love of exclamation marks has been discovered.

As for me, I love to write poems. I am a rule bender by nature and I feel like poetry allows me to bend those pesky writing rules. I am looking forward to sharing little slices of our life and writing journey together with you.

C is for Cars… or Capital Letters

I am participating in the A-Z Blog challenge this year. I will write each day in the month of April with the prompt of the next letter of the alphabet. This year my 4 year-old and I are writing collaboratively. Feel free to follow along our month-long writing journey!

Today Marlowe chose to write about cars! Look at these awesome sentences she wrote!


They moov. Pepl drive them.

Marlowe has been really curious about writing lately and has started to read like a writer. When we are reading she has become very interested in the “dots” at the end of some words. She wanted to try those “dots” out in her writing today. I also noticed that when she thinks she has all of the sounds in a word, she asks if she needs a space. She is starting to use lower case letters more consistently in her writing too. One good thing about having her home with us is her daycare can’t teach her uppercase letters.

I HATE when early childhood educators start by teaching kids to write with capital letters. How often do you use a capital letter? RARELY! When we write, we use mostly lower case letters so why do they focus on capitals? Is it simply to make a Grade 1 teacher’s life more complicated. I spend most of Grade 1 nudging my students to use lower case letters when they write. What I need to learn is how to nudge my daughter’s preschool teacher and those around the world to STOP with the CAPITALS!

So I guess this post isn’t about cars after all…. C is for CAPITAL LETTERS!

(Please note I actually love preschool teachers! It is my one and only frustration, I promise!)

B is for Bubbles

I am participating in the A-Z Blog challenge this year. I will write each day in the month of April with the prompt of the next letter of the alphabet. This year my 4 year-old and I are writing collaboratively. Feel free to follow along our month-long writing journey!


Marlowe chose bubbles for our second letter of the alphabet. I asked her to help me brainstorm some things that came to mind when she thought of bubbles and we wrote them all down. Then I put this poem together from all of her ideas.







the colourful ball

float by

up to the sky



in the sun





You have to shout the POP part. She loved our creation and asked me to read it again and again. I think we might even put it up in her room, before long she will be reading it to us! Poetry with emergent writers is my favourite. It is such a great entry point for them to feel successful. If it wasn’t nearing bedtime, I would have had her take part in writing down the ideas. I believe that coming up with ideas is just as important as putting those ideas on paper.



A is for Airplanes

I am participating in the A-Z Blog challenge this year. I will write each day in the month of April with the prompt of the next letter of the alphabet. This year my 4 year-old and I are writing collaboratively. Feel free to follow along our month-long writing journey!





THAy FLi SM HAv wiNdOs

Marlowe is just 4.

She knows airplanes

She has flown in 29 different airplanes

to be exact

Most of those before her second birthday.

She knows airplanes

The outsides

The insides

The ups

The downs

She knows airplanes


She doesn’t live an extravagant life

But it is certainly unique

Hong Kong born

An American Dad

A Canadian Mom

That is rare to find

Working in Asia

With family around the globe

We traveled

a lot

Family is important

Then we found an in between

Not too close to either family

But a good place for us

Hello Alberta

The 16-24 hour plane rides, now just 4-5.

She knows airplanes

The signs

The voice level

The entertain yourself moments

The airplane bed routine

She knows airplanes

Marlowe knows airplanes.

Lessons learned

Slice of Life Day 31

I am participating in the Slice of Life Challenge where I write each day for the month of March. This year my three-year old daughter (now 4 year-old) and I are writing collaboratively. Feel free to follow along our month-long writing journey!


We made it! 31 one days of writing together. It is the best thing that has happened during this confusing time. Marlowe and I have both grown as writers. In years past, my slices have been mostly poems. This year, I have been forced to write in a narrative form to share Marlowe’s writing journey. It has been really great practice for me. Marlowe used to throw herself on the floor a lot in frustration when she couldn’t get her letters to look like the letters in books or in my writing. We have been trying to support her through some of her perfectionist tendencies but what helped more than anything we have done in the past is write each and everyday. She still gets frustrated every now and again when writing (who doesn’t?) but more than anything, I see her confidently carry herself as a writer.


Today we decided to write what we learned this month. Here is what we came up with! Marlowe’s lessons are in black and mine are in pink.



What did you learn this month?